# Installation with RAN-Simulator and RIMEDO Labs Traffic Steering xAPP (rimedo-ts xApp) This document covers how to install ONOS RIC services with RAN-Simulator. With this option, RiaB will deploy ONOS RIC services including ONOS-KPIMON (KPM 2.0 supported), and RIMDEO-TS xAPPs together with RAN-Simulator ## Clone this repository To begin with, clone this repository: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/onosproject/sdran-in-a-box ``` **NOTE: If we want to use a specific release, we can change the branch with `git checkout [args]` command:** ```bash $ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box $ git checkout v1.4.0 # for release 1.4 $ git checkout master # for master ``` ## Deploy RiaB with RAN-Simulator ### Command options To deploy RiaB with RAN-Simulator, we should go to `sdran-in-a-box` directory and command below: ```bash $ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box # type one of below commands # for "master-stable" version $ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=stable # or just make riab OPT=rimedots # for "latest" version $ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=latest # for a specific version $ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=v1.4.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.4 # for a "dev" version $ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=dev # for dev version ``` Once we push one of above commands, the deployment procedure starts. If we don't see any error or failure messages, everything is deployed. ```bash $ kubectl get po --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system atomix-controller-99f978c7d-vhphs 1/1 Running 0 35m kube-system atomix-raft-storage-controller-75979cfff8-p2mb4 1/1 Running 0 34m kube-system calico-kube-controllers-584ddbb8fb-tn4wh 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system calico-node-g4zj8 1/1 Running 1 3h8m kube-system coredns-dff8fc7d-b7gcl 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system dns-autoscaler-5d74bb9b8f-scxgf 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system kube-apiserver-node1 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-controller-manager-node1 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-multus-ds-amd64-g4mfr 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system kube-proxy-rflq8 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kube-scheduler-node1 1/1 Running 0 3h8m kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-667c4c65f8-gqpx4 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system kubernetes-metrics-scraper-54fbb4d595-7nlsp 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system nodelocaldns-8ktdr 1/1 Running 0 3h7m kube-system onos-operator-app-588d479876-zdc4f 1/1 Running 0 34m kube-system onos-operator-topo-5f8cd6ff7c-q4pc5 1/1 Running 0 34m riab onos-a1t-84db77df99-shtxx 2/2 Running 0 69s riab onos-cli-6b746874c8-zkcxg 1/1 Running 0 69s riab onos-config-7bd4b6f7f6-zwxkb 4/4 Running 0 69s riab onos-consensus-store-0 1/1 Running 0 69s riab onos-e2t-58b4cd867-s25bf 3/3 Running 0 69s riab onos-kpimon-966bdf77f-xjxn4 2/2 Running 0 69s riab onos-topo-7cc9d754d7-xnngw 3/3 Running 0 69s riab onos-uenib-779cb5dbd6-8jn6h 3/3 Running 0 69s riab ran-simulator-5449b4c8f9-cqbwt 1/1 Running 0 69s riab sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k 2/2 Running 0 69s ``` NOTE: If we see any issue when deploying RiaB, please check [Troubleshooting](./troubleshooting.md) ## End-to-End (E2E) tests for verification In order to check whether everything is running, we should conduct some E2E tests and check their results. Since RAN-Sim does only generate SD-RAN control messages, we can run E2E tests on the SD-RAN control plane. ### The E2E test on SD-RAN control plane First, we can check E2 connections and subscriptions with `make test-e2-subscription` commands: ```bash $ make test-e2-subscription ... *** Get E2 subscriptions through CLI *** Subscription ID Revision Service Model ID E2 NodeID Encoding Phase State 76d79858affefc5ecef79683581f1561:e2:1/5153 89 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5153 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE 14d96d88f13bba8ba7889bdf532c059d:e2:1/5153 96 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5153 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE 76d79858affefc5ecef79683581f1561:e2:1/5154 103 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5154 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE bab81642e0e6d82c57a54060feeabe6f:e2:1/5153 112 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5153 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE 1ef6855642744782186c9ba6626393a6:e2:1/5154 55 oran-e2sm-kpm:v2 e2:1/5154 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE 84ce5613b27ac3b1e357879244014095:e2:1/5153 62 oran-e2sm-kpm:v2 e2:1/5153 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE bab81642e0e6d82c57a54060feeabe6f:e2:1/5154 71 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5154 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE 14d96d88f13bba8ba7889bdf532c059d:e2:1/5154 79 oran-e2sm-mho:v2 e2:1/5154 ASN1_PER SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE ``` Next, we can check KPIMON xAPP CLI and RIMDEO-TS xAPP CLI. In order to check KPIMON xAPP CLI, we should type `make test-kpimon` ```bash $ make test-kpimon ... *** Get KPIMON result through CLI *** Node ID Cell Object ID Cell Global ID Time RRC.Conn.Avg RRC.Conn.Max RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail e2:1/5153 13842601454c001 1454c001 12:54:46.0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 e2:1/5154 138426014550001 14550001 12:54:46.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ``` *Note: It shows the current number of active UEs and the maximum number of active UEs. All other values should be 0.* Also, we should type `make a1t` to check A1 policies installed in RIMEDO-TS xApp. ```bash $ make test-a1t ... *** Get A1T subscriptions through CLI *** xApp ID xApp A1 Interface A1 Service A1 Service Type ID a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k PolicyManagement ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k EnrichmentInformation *** Get A1T policy type through CLI *** PolicyTypeID List(PolicyObjectID) ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 [] *** Get A1T policy objects through CLI *** PolicyTypeID PolicyObjectID *** Get A1T policy status through CLI *** PolicyTypeID PolicyObjectID Status ``` *Note: there should be two A1 services {`PolicyManagement`, `EnrichmentInformation`}, one PolicyTypeID `ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0` and empty object list and status result at this moment* Also, there are two more test Makefile targets `make test-rnib` to check R-NIB, which have cell related information. ```bash $ make test-rnib ... *** Get R-NIB result through CLI *** ID: e2:onos-e2t-58b4cd867-s25bf Kind ID: e2t Labels: Source Id's: uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be, uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac Target Id's: Aspects: - onos.topo.E2TInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_E2AP200","ip":"","port":36421},{"type":"INTERFACE_E2T","ip":"","port":5150}]} - onos.topo.Lease={"expiration":"2022-03-11T12:56:04.666612200Z"} ID: e2:1/5154 Kind ID: e2node Labels: Source Id's: uuid:03c782b8-d993-62d3-5ada-8cde9bcc8d64 Target Id's: uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac Aspects: - onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac"} - onos.topo.E2Node={"serviceModels":{"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-RC-PRE","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.RCRanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[3]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-MHO","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.MHORanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[5]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-KPM","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.KPMRanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"Periodic Report","type":1,"measurements":[{"id":"value:1","name":"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:2","name":"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum"},{"id":"value:3","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:4","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail"},{"id":"value:5","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail"},{"id":"value:6","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other"},{"id":"value:7","name":"RRC.Conn.Avg"},{"id":"value:8","name":"RRC.Conn.Max"}]}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[4]}}} ID: e2:1/5154/14550001 Kind ID: e2cell Labels: Source Id's: Target Id's: uuid:03c782b8-d993-62d3-5ada-8cde9bcc8d64 Aspects: - onos.topo.E2Cell={"cellObjectId":"138426014550001","cellGlobalId":{"value":"14550001"},"kpiReports":{"RRC.Conn.Avg":0,"RRC.Conn.Max":1,"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail":0}} ID: gnmi:onos-config-7bd4b6f7f6-zwxkb Kind ID: onos-config Labels: Source Id's: Target Id's: Aspects: - onos.topo.Lease={"expiration":"2022-03-11T12:56:08.895301044Z"} ID: a1:onos-a1t-84db77df99-shtxx Kind ID: a1t Labels: Source Id's: uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc Target Id's: Aspects: - onos.topo.A1TInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_A1AP","ip":"","port":9639}]} ID: e2:1/5153 Kind ID: e2node Labels: Source Id's: uuid:e8d1924d-8a87-3840-ada0-0cacbef26cc5 Target Id's: uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be Aspects: - onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be"} - onos.topo.E2Node={"serviceModels":{"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-RC-PRE","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.RCRanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[3]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-MHO","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.MHORanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[5]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-KPM","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/onos.topo.KPMRanFunction","reportStyles":[{"name":"Periodic Report","type":1,"measurements":[{"id":"value:1","name":"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:2","name":"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum"},{"id":"value:3","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:4","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail"},{"id":"value:5","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail"},{"id":"value:6","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other"},{"id":"value:7","name":"RRC.Conn.Avg"},{"id":"value:8","name":"RRC.Conn.Max"}]}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[4]}}} ID: e2:1/5153/1454c001 Kind ID: e2cell Labels: Source Id's: Target Id's: uuid:e8d1924d-8a87-3840-ada0-0cacbef26cc5 Aspects: - onos.topo.E2Cell={"cellObjectId":"13842601454c001","cellGlobalId":{"value":"1454c001"},"kpiReports":{"RRC.Conn.Avg":1,"RRC.Conn.Max":1,"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail":0}} ID: a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k Kind ID: xapp Labels: Source Id's: Target Id's: uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc Aspects: - onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc"} - onos.topo.XAppInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_A1_XAPP","ip":"","port":5150}],"a1PolicyTypes":[{"id":"ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0","name":"ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference","version":"2.0.0","description":"O-RAN traffic steering"}]} ``` Then, we can put the A1 policy JSON to the RIMEDO-TS xApp through onos-a1t. In the `resources` directory, there is a `rimedots-sample-a1p.json` file which is a sample A1 policy file. To use this file, we initially update the `IMSI` in this file. We can check the IMSI with below command: ```bash $ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli -n riab -- onos ransim get ues IMSI Serving Cell CRNTI Admitted RRC 9295552 13842601454c001 90125 false RRCSTATUS_CONNECTED ``` In this example, IMSI is `9295552` but it is random value, which means that everytime the IMSI number is changed. Once we get the IMSI, we should update IMSI to `rimedots-sample-a1p.json` file. Note that the IMSI should have 16-digit value, so we should add 0 pads to the left side. For example, if IMSI is `9295552`, the IMSI in json field should be `0000000009295552`: ```json { "scope":{ "ueId":"0000000009295552" }, "tspResources":[ { "cellIdList":[ { "plmnId":{ "mcc":"138", "mnc":"426" }, "cId":{ "ncI":470106432 } } ], "preference":"FORBID" } ] } ``` After that, we should push the JSON file to A1T with below command: ```bash $ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @resources/rimedots-sample-a1p.json { "scope": { "ueId": "0000000009295552" }, "tspResources": [ { "cellIdList": [ { "cId": { "ncI": 470106432 }, "plmnId": { "mcc": "138", "mnc": "426" } } ], "preference": "FORBID" } ] } ``` After pushing this json file, `make test-a1t` should show the policy object and status: ```bash $ make test-a1t ... *** Get A1T subscriptions through CLI *** xApp ID xApp A1 Interface A1 Service A1 Service Type ID a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k PolicyManagement ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k EnrichmentInformation *** Get A1T policy type through CLI *** PolicyTypeID List(PolicyObjectID) ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 [1] *** Get A1T policy objects through CLI *** PolicyTypeID PolicyObjectID ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 1 *** Get A1T policy status through CLI *** PolicyTypeID PolicyObjectID Status ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 1 {"enforceStatus":"ENFORCED"} ``` ## Other commands ### Reset and delete RiaB environment If we want to reset our RiaB environment or delete RiaB compoents, we can use below commands: * `make reset-test`: It deletes ONOS RIC services and RAN-Simulator but Kubernetes is still running * `make clean`: It just deletes Kubernets environment; Eventually, all ONOS RIC and RAN-Simulator are terminated; The Helm chart directory is not deleted * `make clean-all`: It deletes all including Kubernetes environment, all componentes/PODs which RiaB deployed, and even the Helm chart directory ### Deploy or reset a chart/service If we want to only deploy or reset a chart/service, we can use below command: * `make atomix`: It deploys Atomix controllers * `make reset-atomix`: It deletes Atomix controllers * `make ric`: It deploys ONOS RIC services * `make reset-ric`: It deletes ONOS RIC services