# RiaB configuration ## Configuration files for each version If we want to tune RiaB, we should modify below YAML file for each version before the RiaB deployment. * For `latest` and `dev` version: `sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml` file * For `master-stable` version: `sdran-in-a-box-values-master-stable.yaml` file * For a specific release version: `sdran-in-a-box-values-.yaml` file ## First block - Enables Cassandra DB in OMEC This is the Cassandra DB configuration for OMEC. We don't really need to change this. ```yaml cassandra: config: cluster_size: 1 seed_size: 1 ``` ## Second block - Enables CPU/MEM size configuration This is for the CPU/MEM size configuration. We don't need to change this. ```yaml resources: enabled: false ``` ## Third block - OMEC, CU-CP, and OAI nFAPI parameter configuration block This block has parameters for OMEC, CU-CP, OAI DU (nFAPI), and OAI UE (nFAPI) parameter configuration. ```yaml config: spgwc: pfcp: true ueIpPool: ip: # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will override this value with the value defined in Makefile script. upf: name: "oaisim" sriov: enabled: false hugepage: enabled: false cniPlugin: simpleovs ipam: static cfgFiles: upf.json: mode: af_packet mme: cfgFiles: config.json: mme: mcc: dig1: 2 dig2: 0 dig3: 8 mnc: dig1: 0 dig2: 1 dig3: -1 apnlist: internet: "spgwc" hss: bootstrap: users: - apn: "internet" key: "465b5ce8b199b49faa5f0a2ee238a6bc" opc: "d4416644f6154936193433dd20a0ace0" sqn: 96 imsiStart: "208014567891201" msisdnStart: "1122334455" count: 10 mmes: - id: 1 mme_identity: mme.riab.svc.cluster.local mme_realm: riab.svc.cluster.local isdn: "19136246000" unreachability: 1 oai-enb-cu: networks: f1: interface: eno1 # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate interface name address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address s1mme: interface: eno1 # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate interface name s1u: interface: enb oai-enb-du: mode: nfapi #or local_L1 for USRP and BasicSim networks: f1: interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address nfapi: interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address oai-ue: numDevices: 1 # support up to 3 networks: nfapi: interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address onos-e2t: enabled: "yes" networks: e2: address: # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate interface name port: 36421 ``` Normally, we don't need to touch one of those values except for `numDevices` in `oai-ue` block. If we want to deploy more UEs, we should change `numDevices` and then deploy RiaB with OAI nFAPI emulator option. ## Fourth block - image tag block This block has all containers' repository, tag/version, and pulling policy. To test a specific Docker container image within RiaB, we should change imamge tag and repository in this block. ```yaml # for the development, we can use the custom images # For ONOS-RIC onos-topo: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-topo tag: latest onos-config: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-config tag: latest onos-e2t: service: external: enabled: true e2: nodePort: 36421 image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-e2t tag: latest onos-e2sub: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-e2sub tag: latest onos-cli: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-cli tag: latest ran-simulator: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/ran-simulator tag: latest onos-kpimon-v1: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-kpimon tag: latest onos-kpimon-v2: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-kpimon tag: latest onos-pci: image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: onosproject/onos-pci tag: latest fb-ah-xapp: image: repository: onosproject/fb-ah-xapp tag: 0.0.1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent fb-ah-gui: image: repository: onosproject/fb-ah-gui tag: 0.0.1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ah-eson-test-server: image: repository: onosproject/ah-eson-test-server tag: 0.0.1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # For OMEC & OAI images: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tags: # For OMEC - Those images are stable image for RiaB # latest Aether helm chart commit ID: 3d1e936e87b4ddae784a33f036f87899e9d00b95 # init: docker.io/omecproject/pod-init:1.0.0 # depCheck: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.3.1 hssdb: docker.io/onosproject/riab-hssdb:v1.0.0 hss: docker.io/onosproject/riab-hss:v1.0.0 mme: docker.io/onosproject/riab-nucleus-mme:v1.0.0 spgwc: docker.io/onosproject/riab-spgw:v1.0.0 pcrf: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pcrf:v1.0.0 pcrfdb: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pcrfdb:v1.0.0 bess: docker.io/onosproject/riab-bess-upf:v1.0.0 pfcpiface: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pfcpiface:v1.0.0 # For OAI oaicucp: docker.io/onosproject/oai-enb-cu:latest oaidu: docker.io/onosproject/oai-enb-du:latest oaiue: docker.io/onosproject/oai-ue:latest ``` ## Fifth block - import block This block is the import block to speicify which services are onboarded in ONOS RIC services. In fact, ONOS RIC services are packaged as a single umbrella Helm chart. By adjusting this block, we can configure which service is onboarded and which service is not deployed. ```yaml # For SD-RAN Umbrella chart: # ONOS-KPIMON xAPP is imported in the RiaB by default import: onos-kpimon-v1: enabled: false onos-kpimon-v2: enabled: true onos-pci: enabled: true # Other ONOS-RIC micro-services # onos-topo: # enabled: true # onos-e2t: # enabled: true # onos-e2sub: # enabled: true # onos-o1t: # enabled: false # onos-config: # enabled: true # onos-sdran-cli: # enabled: true # ran-simulator chart is automatically imported when pushing ransim option # ran-simulator: # enabled: false # onos-gui: # enabled: false # nem-monitoring: # enabled: false # fb-ah-xapp, fb-ah-gui, and ah-eson-test-server are automatically imported when pushing fbc-pci option # fb-ah-xapp: # enabled: false # fb-ah-gui: # enabled: false # ah-eson-test-server: # enabled: false ```