Install RIC only

This section explains how to execute only the RIC components (without RanSim/OAI) using the RiaB Makefile.

Get the RiaB source code

To get the source code, please see:

Since SDRAN-in-a-Box repository is a member-only repository, a user should log in github and then check the git clone command on that web site. Clone the RiaB repository to the target machine.

This option is usefull to test RIC with CU/DU components running in other machines.


In the sdran-in-a-box folder, edit the Makefile to disable the ran-simulator execution, it should look like the line below:

RANSIM_ARGS			?= --set import.ran-simulator.enabled=false # Change this value from true to false

Then run the RIC components with the commands below.

$ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box
$ sudo apt install build-essential
$ make OPT=ric VER=<version>

Notice: The sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml contain the latest versions of the RIC components. In order to use the v1.0.0 or v1.1.0 versions make sure to respectively copy and paste to the sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml file the contents of the files sdran-in-a-box-values-v1.0.0.yaml and sdran-in-a-box-values-v1.1.0.yaml as needed.

Check the deployed RIC components using the commands:

$ kubectl -n riab get pods
$ kubectl -n riab get svc

Notice, in the output of the command kubectl -n riab get svc the service onos-e2t-external must be present in order to E2 nodes reach the RIC running node using a remote SCTP connection in port 36421. The IP address to be configured in E2 nodes connecting to RIC must be the IP address of the primary network interface of the RIC host machine.

If such service (onos-e2t-external) does not exist, make sure in the file sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml the lines below are not commented.

      enabled: true
     nodePort: 36421


If RIC is running outside the OAI-CU/DU machine, run below command:

$ make routing-ric-external-ran

If there are multiple machines, we should manually add routing rules like:

$ sudo route add -host <CU IP address described in CU config file> gw <CU machine IP address> dev <RIC VM network interface name>
$ sudo route add -host <DU IP address described in DU config file> gw <DU machine IP address> dev <RIC VM network interface name>

Stop/Clean RIC

This deletes all deployed Helm charts for RIC components (keeps Kubernetes and Helm installed/running).

$ make reset-ric

And this deletes not only deployed Helm charts but also Kubernetes and Helm.

make clean      # if we want to keep the ~/helm-charts directory - option to develop/test changed/new Helm charts
make clean-all  # if we also want to delete ~/helm-charts directory