
This section covers how to solve the reported issues. This section will be updated, continuously.

Helm charts are out-of-date

If we want to update Helm chart up-to-date, we can fetch all charts to ~/helm-charts/aether-helm-charts and ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts directories. For the development perspective, sometimes we need to fetch the latest Helm chart commits, although the RiaB uses a specific chart version. This command fetches all latest commits:

$ make fetch-all-charts

It just fetches the all latest commits, i.e., it does not change/checkout the specific branch/commit.

NOTE: It may request credentials for the OpenCORD gerrit and SD-RAN Github.

SPGW-C or UPF is not working

Please check the log with below commands:

$ kubectl logs spgwc-0 -n riab -c spgwc # for SPGW-C log
$ kubectl logs upf-0 -n riab -c bess # for UPF log

In the log, if we can see unsupported CPU type or a specific flag (e.g., AES) is missing, we should check the CPU microarchitecture. RiaB requires Intel Haswell or more recent CPU microarchitecture. If we have the appropriate CPU type, we should build SPGW-C or UPF image on the machine where RiaB will run.

To build SPGW-C, first clone the SPGW-C repository on the machine with git clone Then, edit below line in Makefile:

DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS        ?= --build-arg RTE_MACHINE='native'

Then, run make on the spgw directory.

Likewise, for building UPF image, we should clone UPF repository with git clone Then, edit below line in Makefile:

CPU                      ?= native

Then, run make on the upf-epc directory.

After building those images, we should modify overriding value yaml file (i.e., sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml). Go to the file and write down below:

    spgwc: <spgwc_image_tag>
    bess: <bess_upf_image_tag>
    pfcpiface: <pfcpiface_upf_image_tab>
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Then, run below commands:

$ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box
$ make reset-test
# after all OMEC pods are deleted, run make again
$ make

ETCD is not working

Sometimes, we see the below outputs when building RiaB.

TASK [etcd : Configure | Ensure etcd is running] ***********************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: Configure | Check if etcd cluster is healthy (4 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Configure | Check if etcd cluster is healthy (3 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Configure | Check if etcd cluster is healthy (2 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: Configure | Check if etcd cluster is healthy (1 retries left).

If we see this, we can command below:

$ sudo systemctl restart docker
$ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box
$ make

Pod onos-consensus-db-1-0 initialization failed

In Ubuntu 20.04 (kernel 5.4.0-65-generic), the k8s pod named onos-consensus-db-1-0 might fail due to a bug of using go and alpine together (e.g.,

It can be seen in kubectl logs -n riab onos-consensus-db-1-0 as:

runtime: mlock of signal stack failed: 12
runtime: increase the mlock limit (ulimit -l) or
runtime: update your kernel to 5.3.15+, 5.4.2+, or 5.5+
fatal error: mlock failed

Such pod utilizes the docker image atomix/raft-storage-node:v0.5.3, tagged from the build of the image atomix/dragonboat-raft-storage-node:latest available at

A quick fix (allowing an unlimited amount memory to be locked by the pod) to this issue is cloning the repository, and changing the Makefile:

# Before change
image: build
	docker build . -f build/dragonboat-raft-storage-node/Dockerfile -t atomix/dragonboat-raft-storage-node:${RAFT_STORAGE_NODE_VERSION}

# After change: unlimited maximum locked-in-memory address space
image: build
	docker build --ulimit memlock=-1 . -f build/dragonboat-raft-storage-node/Dockerfile -t atomix/dragonboat-raft-storage-node:${RAFT_STORAGE_NODE_VERSION}

Then running in the source dir of this repository the command make image, and tagging the built image as:

docker tag atomix/dragonboat-raft-storage-node:latest  atomix/raft-storage-node:v0.5.3

After that proceed with the execution of the Riab setup again.

Cannot see Google Map view on the Facebook-AirHop xAPP GUI

for all SD-RAN releases

Please remove caches and then try again. Or, it would be good to use Incognito window in Chrome.

only for SD-RAN release 1.1 and 1.1.1

The Google Map API in the Facebook-AirHop xAPP GUI only allows us to use localhost:8080 URL. If we runs Facebook-AirHop xAPP on the remote machine, we have to make a SSH tunnel from the local machine to the remote machine:

$ ssh <id>@<RiaB server IP address> -L "*:8080:<RiaB server IP address>:30095"

Failed to install with Create kubeadm token for joining nodes with 24h expiration message

In order to resolve this problem, we need to reinstall RiaB again. You should make clean or make clean-all and then install RiaB again.

Failed to clean RiaB

When we clean up RiaB, sometimes we can see below error messages.

TASK [reset : reset | gather mounted kubelet dirs] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "set -o pipefail && mount | grep /var/lib/kubelet/ | awk '{print $3}' | tac", "delta": "0:00:00.007286", "end": "2021-07-15 19:15:47.566996", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-07-15 19:15:47.559710", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
node1                      : ok=14   changed=7    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=22   rescued=0    ignored=0

The easiest way to solve this issue is to remove Kubernetes manually. Here is the instructions to remote the Kubernetes.

sudo reboot

docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

sudo su

for mount in $(mount | grep tmpfs | grep '/var/lib/kubelet' | awk '{ print $3 }') /var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/rancher; do umount $mount; done

rm -rf /etc/ceph \
       /etc/cni \
       /etc/kubernetes \
       /opt/cni \
       /opt/rke \
       /run/secrets/ \
       /run/calico \
       /run/flannel \
       /var/lib/calico \
       /var/lib/etcd \
       /var/lib/cni \
       /var/lib/kubelet \
       /var/lib/rancher/rke/log \
       /var/log/containers \
       /var/log/kube-audit \
       /var/log/pods \

sudo reboot

Other issues?

Please contact ONF SD-RAN team, if you see any issue. Any issue report from users is very welcome. Mostly, the redeployment by using make clean-all and make [option] resolves issues.