Installation with RAN-Simulator and RIMEDO Labs Traffic Steering xAPP (rimedo-ts xApp)

This document covers how to install ONOS RIC services with RAN-Simulator. With this option, RiaB will deploy ONOS RIC services including ONOS-KPIMON (KPM 2.0 supported), and RIMDEO-TS xAPPs together with RAN-Simulator

Clone this repository

To begin with, clone this repository:

$ git clone

NOTE: If we want to use a specific release, we can change the branch with git checkout [args] command:

$ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box
$ git checkout v1.4.0 # for release 1.4
$ git checkout master # for master

Deploy RiaB with RAN-Simulator

Command options

To deploy RiaB with RAN-Simulator, we should go to sdran-in-a-box directory and command below:

$ cd /path/to/sdran-in-a-box
# type one of below commands
# for "master-stable" version
$ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=stable # or just make riab OPT=rimedots
# for "latest" version
$ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=latest
# for a specific version
$ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=v1.4.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.4
# for a "dev" version
$ make riab OPT=rimedots VER=dev # for dev version

Once we push one of above commands, the deployment procedure starts.

If we don’t see any error or failure messages, everything is deployed.

$ kubectl get po --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE     NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system   atomix-controller-99f978c7d-vhphs                 1/1     Running   0          35m
kube-system   atomix-raft-storage-controller-75979cfff8-p2mb4   1/1     Running   0          34m
kube-system   calico-kube-controllers-584ddbb8fb-tn4wh          1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   calico-node-g4zj8                                 1/1     Running   1          3h8m
kube-system   coredns-dff8fc7d-b7gcl                            1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   dns-autoscaler-5d74bb9b8f-scxgf                   1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   kube-apiserver-node1                              1/1     Running   0          3h8m
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-node1                     1/1     Running   0          3h8m
kube-system   kube-multus-ds-amd64-g4mfr                        1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   kube-proxy-rflq8                                  1/1     Running   0          3h8m
kube-system   kube-scheduler-node1                              1/1     Running   0          3h8m
kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-667c4c65f8-gqpx4             1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   kubernetes-metrics-scraper-54fbb4d595-7nlsp       1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   nodelocaldns-8ktdr                                1/1     Running   0          3h7m
kube-system   onos-operator-app-588d479876-zdc4f                1/1     Running   0          34m
kube-system   onos-operator-topo-5f8cd6ff7c-q4pc5               1/1     Running   0          34m
riab          onos-a1t-84db77df99-shtxx                         2/2     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-cli-6b746874c8-zkcxg                         1/1     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-config-7bd4b6f7f6-zwxkb                      4/4     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-consensus-store-0                            1/1     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-e2t-58b4cd867-s25bf                          3/3     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-kpimon-966bdf77f-xjxn4                       2/2     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-topo-7cc9d754d7-xnngw                        3/3     Running   0          69s
riab          onos-uenib-779cb5dbd6-8jn6h                       3/3     Running   0          69s
riab          ran-simulator-5449b4c8f9-cqbwt                    1/1     Running   0          69s
riab          sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k                  2/2     Running   0          69s

NOTE: If we see any issue when deploying RiaB, please check Troubleshooting

End-to-End (E2E) tests for verification

In order to check whether everything is running, we should conduct some E2E tests and check their results. Since RAN-Sim does only generate SD-RAN control messages, we can run E2E tests on the SD-RAN control plane.

The E2E test on SD-RAN control plane

First, we can check E2 connections and subscriptions with make test-e2-subscription commands:

$ make test-e2-subscription
*** Get E2 subscriptions through CLI ***
Subscription ID                              Revision   Service Model ID   E2 NodeID   Encoding   Phase               State
76d79858affefc5ecef79683581f1561:e2:1/5153   89         oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5153   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
14d96d88f13bba8ba7889bdf532c059d:e2:1/5153   96         oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5153   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
76d79858affefc5ecef79683581f1561:e2:1/5154   103        oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5154   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
bab81642e0e6d82c57a54060feeabe6f:e2:1/5153   112        oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5153   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
1ef6855642744782186c9ba6626393a6:e2:1/5154   55         oran-e2sm-kpm:v2   e2:1/5154   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
84ce5613b27ac3b1e357879244014095:e2:1/5153   62         oran-e2sm-kpm:v2   e2:1/5153   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
bab81642e0e6d82c57a54060feeabe6f:e2:1/5154   71         oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5154   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE
14d96d88f13bba8ba7889bdf532c059d:e2:1/5154   79         oran-e2sm-mho:v2   e2:1/5154   ASN1_PER   SUBSCRIPTION_OPEN   SUBSCRIPTION_COMPLETE

Next, we can check KPIMON xAPP CLI and RIMDEO-TS xAPP CLI. In order to check KPIMON xAPP CLI, we should type make test-kpimon

$ make test-kpimon
*** Get KPIMON result through CLI ***
Node ID          Cell Object ID       Cell Global ID            Time    RRC.Conn.Avg    RRC.Conn.Max    RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum    RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum    RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail    RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other    RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum    RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail
e2:1/5153       13842601454c001             1454c001      12:54:46.0               1               1                       0                        0                            0                           0                         0                                  0
e2:1/5154       138426014550001             14550001      12:54:46.0               0               1                       0                        0                            0                           0                         0                                  0

Note: It shows the current number of active UEs and the maximum number of active UEs. All other values should be 0.

Also, we should type make a1t to check A1 policies installed in RIMEDO-TS xApp.

$ make test-a1t
*** Get A1T subscriptions through CLI ***
xApp ID                                              xApp A1 Interface                A1 Service                       A1 Service Type ID
a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k                      PolicyManagement                 ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0
a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k                      EnrichmentInformation
*** Get A1T policy type through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         List(PolicyObjectID)
ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0                 []
*** Get A1T policy objects through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         PolicyObjectID
*** Get A1T policy status through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         PolicyObjectID                   Status

Note: there should be two A1 services {PolicyManagement, EnrichmentInformation}, one PolicyTypeID ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0 and empty object list and status result at this moment

Also, there are two more test Makefile targets make test-rnib to check R-NIB, which have cell related information.

$ make test-rnib
*** Get R-NIB result through CLI ***
ID: e2:onos-e2t-58b4cd867-s25bf
Kind ID: e2t
Labels: <None>
Source Id's: uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be, uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac
Target Id's:
- onos.topo.E2TInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_E2AP200","ip":"","port":36421},{"type":"INTERFACE_E2T","ip":"","port":5150}]}
- onos.topo.Lease={"expiration":"2022-03-11T12:56:04.666612200Z"}

ID: e2:1/5154
Kind ID: e2node
Labels: <None>
Source Id's: uuid:03c782b8-d993-62d3-5ada-8cde9bcc8d64
Target Id's: uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac
- onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:865b465c-df7a-4c35-a478-bfedf73009ac"}
- onos.topo.E2Node={"serviceModels":{"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-RC-PRE","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[3]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-MHO","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[5]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-KPM","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"Periodic Report","type":1,"measurements":[{"id":"value:1","name":"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:2","name":"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum"},{"id":"value:3","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:4","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail"},{"id":"value:5","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail"},{"id":"value:6","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other"},{"id":"value:7","name":"RRC.Conn.Avg"},{"id":"value:8","name":"RRC.Conn.Max"}]}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[4]}}}

ID: e2:1/5154/14550001
Kind ID: e2cell
Labels: <None>
Source Id's:
Target Id's: uuid:03c782b8-d993-62d3-5ada-8cde9bcc8d64
- onos.topo.E2Cell={"cellObjectId":"138426014550001","cellGlobalId":{"value":"14550001"},"kpiReports":{"RRC.Conn.Avg":0,"RRC.Conn.Max":1,"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail":0}}

ID: gnmi:onos-config-7bd4b6f7f6-zwxkb
Kind ID: onos-config
Labels: <None>
Source Id's:
Target Id's:
- onos.topo.Lease={"expiration":"2022-03-11T12:56:08.895301044Z"}

ID: a1:onos-a1t-84db77df99-shtxx
Kind ID: a1t
Labels: <None>
Source Id's: uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc
Target Id's:
- onos.topo.A1TInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_A1AP","ip":"","port":9639}]}

ID: e2:1/5153
Kind ID: e2node
Labels: <None>
Source Id's: uuid:e8d1924d-8a87-3840-ada0-0cacbef26cc5
Target Id's: uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be
- onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:f7e7fb07-42f5-43d9-a6d1-f4329deb59be"}
- onos.topo.E2Node={"serviceModels":{"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-RC-PRE","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[3]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-MHO","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"PCI and NRT update for eNB","type":1}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[5]},"":{"oid":"","name":"ORAN-E2SM-KPM","ranFunctions":[{"@type":"","reportStyles":[{"name":"Periodic Report","type":1,"measurements":[{"id":"value:1","name":"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:2","name":"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum"},{"id":"value:3","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum"},{"id":"value:4","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail"},{"id":"value:5","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail"},{"id":"value:6","name":"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other"},{"id":"value:7","name":"RRC.Conn.Avg"},{"id":"value:8","name":"RRC.Conn.Max"}]}]}],"ranFunctionIDs":[4]}}}

ID: e2:1/5153/1454c001
Kind ID: e2cell
Labels: <None>
Source Id's:
Target Id's: uuid:e8d1924d-8a87-3840-ada0-0cacbef26cc5
- onos.topo.E2Cell={"cellObjectId":"13842601454c001","cellGlobalId":{"value":"1454c001"},"kpiReports":{"RRC.Conn.Avg":1,"RRC.Conn.Max":1,"RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.HOFail":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Other":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.Sum":0,"RRC.ConnReEstabAtt.reconfigFail":0}}

ID: a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k
Kind ID: xapp
Labels: <None>
Source Id's:
Target Id's: uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc
- onos.topo.MastershipState={"term":"1","nodeId":"uuid:039b05b5-5b33-72bf-4d93-bbc7178e4afc"}
- onos.topo.XAppInfo={"interfaces":[{"type":"INTERFACE_A1_XAPP","ip":"","port":5150}],"a1PolicyTypes":[{"id":"ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0","name":"ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference","version":"2.0.0","description":"O-RAN traffic steering"}]}

Then, we can put the A1 policy JSON to the RIMEDO-TS xApp through onos-a1t. In the resources directory, there is a rimedots-sample-a1p.json file which is a sample A1 policy file. To use this file, we initially update the IMSI in this file. We can check the IMSI with below command:

$ kubectl exec -it deployment/onos-cli -n riab -- onos ransim get ues
IMSI             Serving Cell     CRNTI      Admitted   RRC
9295552          13842601454c001  90125      false      RRCSTATUS_CONNECTED

In this example, IMSI is 9295552 but it is random value, which means that everytime the IMSI number is changed. Once we get the IMSI, we should update IMSI to rimedots-sample-a1p.json file. Note that the IMSI should have 16-digit value, so we should add 0 pads to the left side. For example, if IMSI is 9295552, the IMSI in json field should be 0000000009295552:


After that, we should push the JSON file to A1T with below command:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @resources/rimedots-sample-a1p.json
  "scope": {
    "ueId": "0000000009295552"
  "tspResources": [
      "cellIdList": [
          "cId": {
            "ncI": 470106432
          "plmnId": {
            "mcc": "138",
            "mnc": "426"
      "preference": "FORBID"

After pushing this json file, make test-a1t should show the policy object and status:

$ make test-a1t
*** Get A1T subscriptions through CLI ***
xApp ID                                              xApp A1 Interface                A1 Service                       A1 Service Type ID
a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k                      PolicyManagement                 ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0
a1:sd-ran-rimedo-ts-7fb74c65c-mbc9k                      EnrichmentInformation
*** Get A1T policy type through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         List(PolicyObjectID)
ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0                 [1]
*** Get A1T policy objects through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         PolicyObjectID
ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0                 1
*** Get A1T policy status through CLI ***
PolicyTypeID                                         PolicyObjectID                   Status
ORAN_TrafficSteeringPreference_2.0.0                 1                                {"enforceStatus":"ENFORCED"}

Other commands

Reset and delete RiaB environment

If we want to reset our RiaB environment or delete RiaB compoents, we can use below commands:

  • make reset-test: It deletes ONOS RIC services and RAN-Simulator but Kubernetes is still running

  • make clean: It just deletes Kubernets environment; Eventually, all ONOS RIC and RAN-Simulator are terminated; The Helm chart directory is not deleted

  • make clean-all: It deletes all including Kubernetes environment, all componentes/PODs which RiaB deployed, and even the Helm chart directory

Deploy or reset a chart/service

If we want to only deploy or reset a chart/service, we can use below command:

  • make atomix: It deploys Atomix controllers

  • make reset-atomix: It deletes Atomix controllers

  • make ric: It deploys ONOS RIC services

  • make reset-ric: It deletes ONOS RIC services