onos topo create relation

Create Relation

onos topo create relation <id> <src-entity-id> <tgt-entity-id> [args] [flags]


  -a, --aspect stringToString   aspect of this relation (default [])
  -h, --help                    help for relation
  -k, --kind string             Kind ID
  -l, --label stringToString    classification label (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --auth-header string       Auth header in the form 'Bearer <base64>'
      --no-tls                   if present, do not use TLS (default true)
      --service-address string   the gRPC endpoint (default "onos-topo:5150")
      --tls-cert-path string     the path to the TLS certificate
      --tls-key-path string      the path to the TLS key


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 14-Mar-2022